
Renewable energies such as wind and solar depend on weather influences and therefore supplying fluctuating power to the grids. In order to keep the grid stable and to cover the required energy quantities, so-called demand response may be used. This describes the shift of energy services in order to counteract increased feed-ins or bottlenecks in production. This approach can thus contribute to increased efficiency in electricity generation in a country through better integration of renewables, as it increases their share in electricity generation.

This indicator shows the demand response potential per country in GW.

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  1. Demand Response Potential of the Austrian industrial and commerce sector

    Helmut, Berger; Eisenhut, Thomas; Polak, Sascha; Hinterberger, Robert, 2011


  2. Demand Response in der Industrie - Status und Potentiale in Deutschland

    von Roon, Serafin; Gobmaier, Thomas, 2010


  3. VDE-Studie: Demand Side Integration - Lastverschiebungspotenziale in Deutschland

    ETG-Task Force Demand Side Management, 2012


  4. Demand Side Response in the non-domestic sector

    Element Energy Ltd., 2012


Demand Response Potential [GW]