
For our measurement approach, we use data on annual energy saving by end-use (e.g. space heating, appliances, etc.) from the ODYSSEE database and calculate – based on a typical break-down by energy source per end-use – the local pollutants using end-use and fuel specific emission factors. The data necessary is on one hand provided by the ODYSSEE-MURE project and on the other hand through national emission factors as for example provided by the German Environment Agency (UBA).

In addition to environmental aspects, the prevention of pollutants can also contribute to the health of the local population. It is estimated that outdoor air pollution, mostly by PM2.5, lead to 3.3 million premature deaths per year worldwide, predominantly in Asia, with over 34,000 premature deaths in Germany in 2010. According to studies, in Germany about 20 % of these deaths are related to energy conversion in power plants and the residential sector.
PM2.5 is fine airborne particulate matter with a diameter < 2.5 µm, which is linked to respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
For this indicator we give etimated emissions of PM10, PM 2.5, SOx, NOx and CO.

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  1. The long-term impacts of air pollution control policy: historical links between municipal actions and industrial energy efficiency in Kawasaki City, Japan

    Momoe Kakada, Tsuyoshi Fujita, 2013


  2. Energy innovation and renewable energy consumption in the correction of air pollution levels

    Alvarez-Herranz, Agustin et al., 2017


  3. The macro-level and sectoral impacts of Energy Efficiency policies

    Pollitt, Hector; Alexandri, Eva; Anagnostopoulos, Filippos; De Rose, Antonio; Farhangi, Cyrus; Hoste, Thijs; Markannen, Sanna; Theillard, Perrine; Vergez, Coralie; Voogt, Monique, 2017


Annual local pollutants emissions avoided compared to 2000 [Gg]